Updates, Updos and Up…. no. That’s all I got.

I know it’s been too long since my last blog entry because I got my password wrong on the first attempt.  Damn.  This seemed like an appropriate moment to end the drought, though. I just said good-bye to my wee parentals who were here for a visit that flew by much too swiftly AND I actually had a day off. There are no excuses. Brian’s curled up to my left, that unexplained ringing coming softly from his ears. (He has this THING. I think he might be an alien.) Frank and his renals are at my feet and a glass of red wine is to my right. I’m all about stem-less glasses. They are most definitely Katie-Rose proof. (And Brian-proof for that matter….)

So, it’s about time to update the world on my life in the hair industry thus far, seeing as I graduate in just over a month.  Besides, Mummy will want something new to read when she gets home and starts missing me.

The last few months have been a whirlwind for me. Between school all day on Saturdays and Sundays and Monday nights, and work every weekday, time off hasn’t really been a priority for me.  I only work two to three actual shifts a week, but I bring models in when I’m not working. The more models I bring in, the better I become, and the faster I become and… the sooner I graduate onto the floor as a working stylist.  I absolutely can’t wait.  My grad show for school is five weeks away and my lovely little mind is working away at developing a theme, costumes and memorable hair ideas. I have my concept already but I think I’ll keep it a secret! I’m feeling very pleased as far as my progress is concerned and feel that in the last few weeks I’ve hit a new peak. Instead of ramble on, I’ll show you some photos of what I’ve been up to when I haven’t been blogging…

Georgia Love - BEFORE

See how sad she looks? She obviously needs a hair makeover.

Georgia Love - AFTER

Voila. Madeline meets Amelie meets amazing photographer. (Check out Georgia’s work at www.georgialovesyou.com and you’ll see what I mean. And wish her a Happy Birthday for tomorrow while you’re at at!)


The other week at school we had our Creative Up-do test. The bad news is that we had to do it on our Judy heads. The good news is that we all got really good marks because everyone can always dispute a bad mark by playing the ‘creativity’ card. “But messy was totally what I was going for. It’s like, creative, man.” What am I saying? Everyone at school gets really good marks and has since day one. It’s nice to have good grades, but when everyone has them, it kind of devalues any hard work I’ve put in trying to be THE BEST. My attention to detail, my perfect attendance and my annoying quest for perfection (not there yet) hasn’t gotten me that far ahead on paper. At least I know it’s making me a better hairdresser. Anyway, getting a 10/10 at school is like being the cool kid in high school. Everything changes when you get into the real world.

I can’t pretend the tulle was my idea. My good friend Amanda Edge, hairstylist extraordinaire used a piece of brown tulle in my wedding hair (Reception hair, actually. We changed it after the ceremony.) She made me feel like Carrie Bradshaw and is one of the most beautiful and inspiring people I know. I’ll blog more about her another time!

But now, it’s time to pour another glass, snuggle with my boys and see what my new next door neighbours are up to. Oh yeah. Did I tell you my brother (www.dylanpetley.com) and his wife moved from Victoria and got a place right next to ours?

We’re just like Melrose Place… without the murder and backstabbing.

One Response to “Updates, Updos and Up…. no. That’s all I got.”

  1. You know me well, sweetie. Your blog entry has lifted my little heart on this cloudy Victoria day just when I was starting to miss you and my other young’uns on West 14th.

    Georgia’s hair is so cute… and the Judy…WOW! Amazing all ’round, but I especially like the braiding on top! Love you!

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